Capture the majesty of nature, where wind, water, fog, forest and mountains create an ever-changing tapestry of sound and beauty. For many years Bar Harbor has drawn those who love the water. Our bell recalls this unique setting.
Known first as a fishing way-station, the community became a prosperous builder of ships and home to world-traveled merchants and sailors. Our bell perfectly captures the sea-longing resonance that fills the Kennebunkport air.
Based on the light and silvery tones of bells originally worn by sheep and cattle so they could be easily located on unfenced island pastures along the Coast of Maine.
A bustling and busy harbor offering peace and respite from the Atlantic Ocean's power, our Boothbay Harbor BellÆ reflects the mellow calm that overtakes all at day's end.
There is no more stirring sight than the Camden Hills seen at sunset from the water. Inspired by the bell buoys found outside Camden's harbor, this bell captures the delight shared by all sailors on Maine's Penobscot Bay.
This bell is deep and profound, like the craggy Pemaquid Peninsula. With history stretching back before America's settlement, the land and its coves have welcomed sailors for over 350 years. Whether a simple canoe, majestic schooner, elegant yacht or working steamer, Pemaquid has stood watch over the watery changes of time. Not coincidentally, it is here that North Country Wind BellsÆ are fashioned.
Located on the coast of Maine, Cadillac is the highest peak on the Atlantic coast and the first place the sun rises on America! It is composed of pink granite with forests of spruce and pitch pine. Wild Blueberries add to the color throughout the mountain, with blue hues as they ripen and red crimson leaves in the fall. Bell measures 11 inces in height and has three tones.